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Create geometries

The following geometry creation functions are available:

Function Description
ST_Accum Construct an array of Geometries
ST_BoundingCircle Return the minimum bounding circle of a Geometry
ST_Expand Expand a Geometry's envelope
ST_MakeEllipse Construct an ellipse
ST_MakeEnvelope Create a rectangular Polygon
ST_MakeGrid Calculate a regular grid of POLYGONs based on a Geometry or a table of Geometries
ST_MakeGridPoints Calculate a regular grid of POINTs based on a Geometry or a table of Geometries
ST_MakePoint Construct a POINT from two or three coordinates
ST_MinimumDiameter Return the minimum diameter of a Geometry
ST_MinimumRectangle Return the minimum rectangle enclosing a Geometry
ST_OctogonalEnvelope Return the octogonal envelope of a Geometry
ST_Point Construct a POINT from two or three coordinates
ST_RingBuffer Return a MULTIPOLYGON of buffers centered at a Geometry and of increasing buffer Size